PowerDNS Recursor provides a set of functions available through the LUA FFI library that allow you to interact with handle passed to gettag_ffi() and postresolve_ffi().

Functions for gettag_ffi()

pdns_ffi_param_get_qname(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref) → const char*

Get the query’s qualified name

pdns_ffi_param_get_qtype(const pdns_ffi_param_t* ref) → uint16_t

Get the query’s type

pdns_ffi_param_get_remote(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref) → const char*

Get the sender’s IP address

pdns_ffi_param_get_remote_port(const pdns_ffi_param_t* ref) → uint16_t

Get the sender’s port

pdns_ffi_param_get_local(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref) → const char*

Get the local IP address the query was received on

pdns_ffi_param_get_local_port(const pdns_ffi_param_t* ref) → uint16_t

Get the local port the query was received on

pdns_ffi_param_get_edns_cs(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref) → const char*

Get query’s EDNS client subnet

pdns_ffi_param_get_edns_cs_source_mask(const pdns_ffi_param_t* ref) → uint8_t

Get query’s EDNS client subnet mask

pdns_ffi_param_get_edns_options(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, const pdns_ednsoption_t** out) → size_t

Get query’s EDNS options. Returns the length of the resulting out array

pdns_ffi_param_get_edns_options_by_code(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, uint16_t optionCode, const pdns_ednsoption_t** out) → size_t

Get query’s EDNS option for a given code. Returns the length of the resulting out array

pdns_ffi_param_get_proxy_protocol_values(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, const pdns_proxyprotocol_value_t** out) → size_t

Get query’s proxy protocol values. Returns the length of the resulting out array

pdns_ffi_param_get_edns_cs_raw(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, const void** net, size_t* netSize) → void

Fill out net with query’s EDNS client subnet

pdns_ffi_param_get_remote_raw(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, const void** addr, size_t* addrSize) → void

Fill out addr with sender’s IP address

pdns_ffi_param_get_qname_raw(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, const char** qname, size_t* qnameSize) → void

Fill out qname with query’s qualified name

pdns_ffi_param_get_local_raw(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, const void** addr, size_t* addrSize) → void

Fill out addr with local IP address the query was received on

pdns_ffi_param_set_tag(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, unsigned int tag) → void

Tag the query with the given number

pdns_ffi_param_add_policytag(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, const char* name) → void

Add the given tag to the query

pdns_ffi_param_set_requestorid(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, const char* name) → void

Set query’s requestor ID

pdns_ffi_param_set_devicename(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, const char* name) → void

Set query’s device name

pdns_ffi_param_set_deviceid(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, size_t len, const void* name) → void

Set query’s device ID

pdns_ffi_param_set_routingtag(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, const char* name) → void

Set routing tag which is used as an extra name to identify records in the record cache, see gettag()

pdns_ffi_param_set_variable(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, bool variable) → void

Mark as variable and ensure it’s not inserted into the packetcache

pdns_ffi_param_set_ttl_cap(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, uint32_t ttl) → void

Cap the max TTL of the returned records

pdns_ffi_param_set_log_query(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, bool logQuery) → void

Turn on/off query logging

pdns_ffi_param_set_log_response(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, bool logResponse) → void

Turn on/off response logging

pdns_ffi_param_set_rcode(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, int rcode) → void

Set response RCode

pdns_ffi_param_set_follow_cname_records(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, bool follow) → void

Instruct the recursor to do a proper resolution in order to follow any CNAME records added

pdns_ffi_param_set_extended_error_code(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, uint16_t code) → void

Set extended DNS error info code

pdns_ffi_param_set_extended_error_extra(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, size_t len, const char* extra) → void

Set extended DNS error extra text

pdns_ffi_param_set_padding_disabled(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, bool disabled) → void

Disable padding

pdns_ffi_param_add_record(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, const char* name, uint16_t type, uint32_t ttl, const char* content, size_t contentSize, pdns_record_place_t place) → bool

Adds a record. Returns true if it was correctly added, false otherwise

pdns_ffi_param_add_meta_single_string_kv(pdns_ffi_param_t* ref, const char* key, const char* val) → void

New in version 4.6.0.

This function allows you to add an arbitrary string value for a given key in the meta field of the produced protobuf log message

pdns_ffi_param_add_meta_single_int64_kv(pdns_ffi_param_t *ref, const char* key, int64_t val) → void

New in version 4.6.0.

This function allows you to add an arbitrary int value for a given key in the meta field of the produced protobuf log message

Functions for postresolve_ffi()

New in version 4.7.0.

All functions below were added in version 4.7.0.

pdns_postresolve_ffi_handle_get_qname(pdns_postresolve_ffi_handle_t* ref) → const char*

Get the name queried as a string.

pdns_postresolve_ffi_handle_get_qname_raw(pdns_postresolve_ffi_handle_t* ref, const char** qname, size_t* qnameSize) → void

Get the name queried (and its size) in DNS wire format.

pdns_postresolve_ffi_handle_get_qtype(const pdns_postresolve_ffi_handle_t* ref) → uint16

Get the qtype of the query.

pdns_postresolve_ffi_handle_get_rcode(const pdns_postresolve_ffi_handle_t* ref) → uint16

Get the rcode returned by the resolving process.

pdns_postresolve_ffi_handle_set_rcode(const pdns_postresolve_ffi_handle_t* ref, uint16_t rcode) → void

Set the rcode to be returned.

pdns_postresolve_ffi_handle_get_appliedpolicy_kind(const pdns_postresolve_ffi_handle_t* ref) → pdns_policy_kind_t

Get the applied policy.

pdns_postresolve_ffi_handle_set_appliedpolicy_kind(pdns_postresolve_ffi_handle_t* ref, pdns_policy_kind_t kind) → void

Set the applied policy.

pdns_postresolve_ffi_handle_get_record(pdns_postresolve_ffi_handle_t* ref, unsigned int i, pdns_ffi_record_t* record, bool raw) → bool

Get a record indexed by i. Returns false if no record is available at index i.

pdns_postresolve_ffi_handle_set_record(pdns_postresolve_ffi_handle_t* ref, unsigned int i, const char* content, size_t contentLen, bool raw) → bool

Set the record at index i.

pdns_postresolve_ffi_handle_clear_records(pdns_postresolve_ffi_handle_t* ref) → void

Clear all records.

pdns_postresolve_ffi_handle_add_record(pdns_postresolve_ffi_handle_t* ref, const char* name, uint16_t type, uint32_t ttl, const char* content, size_t contentLen, pdns_record_place_t place, bool raw) → bool

Add a record to the existing records.

pdns_postresolve_ffi_handle_get_authip(pdns_postresolve_ffi_handle_t* ref) → const char*

Get a string representation of the IP address of the authoritative server that answered the query. The string might by empty if the address is not available.

pdns_postresolve_ffi_handle_get_authip_raw(pdns_postresolve_ffi_handle_t* ref, const void** addr, size_t* addrSize) → void

Get the raw IP address (in network byte order) and size of the raw IP address of the authoritative server that answered the query. The string might be empty if the address is not available.