zone2json ========= Synopsis -------- :program:`zone2json` {**--named-conf=**\ *PATH*, **--zone-file=**\ *PATH* [**--zone-name=**\ *NAME*]} [*OPTION*] Description ----------- :program:`zone2json` parses BIND named.conf files and zonefiles and outputs JSON on standard out, which can then be fed to the PowerDNS API. :program:`zone2json` understands the BIND master file extension ``$GENERATE`` and will also honour ``$ORIGIN`` and ``$TTL``. Options ------- INPUT Options ------------- --named-conf= Read *PATH* to get the BIND configuration --zone= Parse only the zone file at *PATH* Conflicts with ``--named-conf`` parameter. --zone-name= When parsing a single zone without $ORIGIN statement, set *ZONE* as the zone name. OTHER Options ------------- --help List all options --on-error-resume-next Ignore missing zone files during parsing. Dangerous. --verbose Be verbose during conversion. See also -------- pdns_server(1)